
By Laws of the Olympia High School Alumni Association

PO Box 402  •  Olympia, WA 98507
Updated February 11, 2014

Article I – Name

The name of this organization is the Olympia High School Alumni Association, herein, referred to as the Association.

Article II – Purpose

The purpose of the organization shall be as follows:

  1. to operate a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting alumni related events
  2. to provide the members of the Association the opportunity to contribute to the welfare of Olympia High School and the Association
  3. to participate in fund raising activities
  4. to maintain records concerning alumni of Olympia High School
  5. to disseminate information about Olympia High School to alumni
  6. to help collect and preserve relevant historical information regarding Olympia High School
  7. to keep members informed of Association activities.

Article III – Membership

Section 1 – Types of membership

  1. $25, General Membership (annually)
  2. $50 Blue and White Membership (annually)
  3. $100, Century of Excellence (annually)
  4. $250, Chick Rockey Life Membership (single payment)
  5. $500, Pepper’s Circle Life Membership (single payment)
  6. $1,000, Friends of William Winlock Miller Life Membership (single payment)
  7. Faculty: any current or past member of the faculty of Olympia High School or administration
  8. Honorary: may be granted by the Board of Directors to an individual who has performed outstanding service to Olympia High School or to the Association.

Section 2 – Rights and Privileges of Members

  1. to hold office in the Association
  2. to be eligible to receive publications of the Association
  3. to participate in Association activities

Section 3 – Dues

  1. the Board of Directors shall establish the amount and schedule of membership dues, a policy regarding the manner and time of payment of dues, and a policy for failure to pay dues.
  2. All members (except Honorary and Life memberships) must be current with dues to be in good standing to be eligible for the Rights and Privileges.

Article IV – Board of Directors

Section 1 – the business of the Association shall be managed by an Executive Board of eleven Directors

Section 2 – the term of office shall be for three years. The terms shall be staggered. Each year three or four board members will be elected or reelected to serve three years

Section 3 – the Executive Board shall consist of a President, a First Vice President, a Second Vice President, a Recording Secretary, a Membership Chairperson, a Treasurer, a Faculty Representative, an Historian, an Events Planner, and an At-Large committee member, and a Webmaster

Section 4 – each member of the board shall possess one vote each in matters coming before the board

Section 5 – six members of the board shall constitute a quorum

Section 6 – the newly elected Board members shall meet with the current Executive Board to organize the Executive Board for the ensuring year.

Section 7 – a Board member may be removed by majority vote of the Executive Board in the event of non participation, lack of attendance at regular board meetings or impropriety.

Section 8 – should a vacancy occur to the Executive Board, the Board may appoint a member to fulfill the vacancy

Section 9 – the Board may appoint a pro tempore officer from the current Board to cover the responsibilities of another Board member in the event of an emergency or leave of absence

Article V – Meetings

Section 1 – the Board of Directors shall meet on a date mutually agreed upon by the members of the Board

Section 2 – special meetings shall be called at any time by the President

Section 3 – the annual meeting shall be held prior to the regular meeting in the month of September February

Section 4 – the agenda of the annual meeting shall include the secretary’s report of the previous annual meeting, the annual treasurer’s report, election of the new Board officers, vote on any By-Law changes, and new business

Section 5 – notification of the annual business meeting shall be announced in any of the following methods: each the Old Bear Newsletter, a mailing to paid members, and, by email to available email addresses of OHSAA members, or on the Olympia High School Alumni Association website no later than two weeks prior to the annual meeting.

Article VI – Voting Procedure

Section 1 – the Second Vice President shall head the nominating committee

Section 2 – the nominating committee shall present nominees for vacancies to the Board

Section 3 – candidates shall be interviewed by the Board

Section 4 – the current Board shall select the candidate from the nominees interviewed to fulfill the Board vacancy

Section 5 – newly elected Board members shall assume their new positions at the next regular Board meeting following their selection

Article VII – Duties of Officers

Section 1 – President

  1. the President shall oversee the Association and all meetings
  2. the President shall appoint another Board member to serve as Parliamentarian, from time-to-time, as needed
  3. the President shall appoint committees as needed
  4. the President shall be an ex officio member of all Association committees

Section 2 – First Vice President

  1. the First Vice President shall assist the President as assigned
  2. the First Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President

Section 3 – Second Vice President

  1. the Second Vice President shall be responsible for recommending nominations for election to the Board
  2. the Second Vice President shall oversee the Board elections

Section 4 – Recording Secretary

  1. the Recording Secretary shall keep a record of proceedings of all meetings and prepare a report for each meeting
  2. the Recording Secretary shall keep all minutes for membership

Section 5 – Membership Chairperson

  1. the Membership Chairperson shall maintain a current list of members and their membership status
  2. the Membership Chairperson shall oversee a data bank of Olympia High School alumni

Section 6 – Treasurer

  1. the Treasurer shall keep all financial records of the Association
  2. the Treasurer shall prepare a current financial report for each Board meeting
  3. the Treasurer shall oversee all accounting procedures in the Association accounts
  4. the Treasurer shall prepare an annual report for the Board and the annual membership meeting

Section 7 – Faculty Representative

  1. the Faculty representative shall serve as a liaison between the Association and Olympia High School
  2. the Faculty Representative shall act as an advisor, and keep the Board informed of Olympia High School activities
  3. the Faculty Representative shall work with the high school administration and keep the administration informed of Association activities
  4. the Faculty Representative does not have to be a current member of the Olympia High School faculty

Section 8 – Historian

  1. the Historian shall maintain items pertaining to the history of Olympia High School
  2. the Historian shall work in conjunction with Olympia High School or other institutions and/or organizations to prepare displays, give talks, or anything else concerning the history of Olympia High School

Section 9 – Event Planner
The Event Planner shall be responsible for the planning and carrying out of events, fund raisers, etc., involving the Association and the community

Section 10 – Webmaster
The Webmaster shall be responsible for maintaining and updating the OHSAA website

Article VIII – Committees

Section 1 – Nominating Committee
The Second Vice President shall oversee this committee as outlined in Article VI

Section 2 – Membership Committee
The Membership Chairperson shall chair the Membership Committee

Section 3 – Hall of Fame Committee
The Faculty Representative shall chair the Hall of Fame Committee. The Hall of Fame Committee is tasked with naming awards recipients for annual presentation honors presentation before an annual gathering for an Olympia High School Audience. Award categories include the Distinguished Service Award and Distinguished Alumni Award, and or others deemed appropriate by the Board

Section 4 – Audit Committee
The Board shall authorize a committee to audit conduct an internal control review of the accounts of the Association once a year or at the board’s direction

Section 5 – Other Committees
The Board shall authorize the appointment of a Scholarship Committee, and additional standing, ad hoc, or special committees as may be required

Section 6 – Guidelines
Each standing committee shall develop its own guidelines subject to Board approval

Article IX – Procedures

Section 1 – any interpretation of these By Laws shall be made by the Board

Section 2 – Robert’s Rules of order shall govern all parliamentary procedures

Article X – Unauthorizations

No part of the net earnings of the Olympia High School Alumni Association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or private persons, except that the organization shall be empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the Olympia High School Association shall be the carrying on propaganda, otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the publishing or distribution of statement or political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the organization shall not carry on any activities nor be permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, for such purpose. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Please of Thurston County, exclusively for such purposes or such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

Article XIII – Amendments

Section 1 – these By Laws may be amended, altered, or repealed by the approval of six members of the current Board of Directors. Approval must be made by sixty percent (60%) of those members present at a duly called meeting

Section 2 – a duly called annual meeting shall be made at a minimum of fourteen days’ notice

Section 3 – the board shall review the By Laws annually

Amended and adopted at Annual Membership meeting held February 11, 2014.